Monday, February 28, 2011


Devin couldn't decide on the soup choices...

For you, Dad....

This dish was REALLY GOOD! It's some type of fish.

The future of Shanghai's architectural layout at the Planning Museum

Spelled wrong but the website was

Good thing we had Long with us (who speaks fluent Mandarin) because our English signs we take so for granted in Hong Kong are nowhere to be found in Shanghai
China dolls in the market

An old Shanghainese man enjoying afternoon tea

So hazy you can barely see the skyline

A pagoda in a 400 year old garden we walked around
A lost in translation moment that had me laughing out loud. From the staff at Starbucks.

We took the bullet train (fastest train in the world) back to the airport. You can sort of make out the speed above our heads (310 kph which is almost 200 mph)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend Festivities

This weekend we got invited to our friend, Petrina's house (lovely lady in the center of the pic) for a traditional English Sunday lunch. We ate yorkshire pudding, roast and veggies. It was so fun and delicious. Here are the ladies right before lunch.

Steph's mom is in town with her friend and they came too. They are THE. CUTEST. EVER!

Here's Devin with Petrina's dog, Bob (who closely resembles a squirrel/fox combo, right?). They ran out of Prozac for him before the lunch and you couldn't put Bob down on the ground due to his someone always had to hold him. The last sentence you just read is not a joke. I am being dead serious about all of that. Anyway, good thing Bob liked Devin.

Right before lunch we all met up at a coffee shop and planned (well Long and Devin planned) our trip to Shanghai for this coming up weekend. They usually plan the trips and Steph and I just arrive at the airport when we're told to be there. Seems to work out better that way.

Friday night we all met up for burgers and beer. Legit burger huh?

Here's the clan reunited again, at least for the next few months!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm Back

Soooo, hello there you. And by you, I mean the one person I can guess is still perusing around this site. Sorry I have been so absent. Soon after we got back from Bali I flew to San Diego to be with this lady, because she is beautiful and I love her. She's my mom-in-law and I spent a relaxing enjoyable few weeks with her in the 77 degree sunshine of Southern California. Seriously, they don't call it America's Finest City for nothing.

After spending almost a month in the States, I'm back in Hong Kong nursing a really bad case of jet lag and filling you in on what's coming up. Our time in Hong Kong is coming to a close. I will be leaving in May with Devin following close behind after he finishes up some loose ends at work. I am both excited to come back and really wanting to soak up as much as I can of this place for the remainder of my stay. So, hopefully many a trips will be happening for me to blog about (I've just assumed my day to day is too non-important for the blogosphere.) So, I'll keep you posted. Thanks for sticking around. Let's not make it awkward if I'm not back for awhile, ok?